Career & Technical Education (CTE) Opportunities
Morenci High School is a member of the Gila Institute for Technology (GIFT), a Career and Technical Education District (CTED), that serves the communities of Greenlee and Graham counties in southeastern Arizona. The programs offered to our students in career and technical education (CTE) prepare them for advanced degree training and success in the workforce.
CTE News
MHS FCCLA Students Compete at State Leadership Conference- March 4-6, 2025
MHS FCCLA students attended the State Leadership Conference this week, showcasing their skill, dedication, and sportsmanship while representing Morenci. Their hard work earned them some impressive results: • Alan (Landon) Curtis – Gold placement and 2nd place overall – Cookie Display • Isabella Leyba – Gold – Sports Nutrition • Jasmine Wesley – Silver – Culinary Arts • Alilee Spean-Austin – Silver – Pastry Arts Technical Decorating Skills • Leila Fallow – Silver – Cupcake Display • Philson Benally – Bronze – Culinary Arts • Mathew McGahee – Bronze – Baking & Pastry Behind every successful student is a dedicated mentor. A huge thank you to their sponsor, Denita Marble. Her dedication and leadership are the backbone of this program, guiding students toward success. We are proud of their outstanding achievements!
UofA Presentations on Mining Careers- January & March 2025
The University of Arizona "School of Mining and Mineral Resources" gave a presentation on "Careers and Degrees in Mining" on January 28th and March 6th to Mrs. Cortez's science classes. The presentation and engaging hands-on activities provided information to students about the diverse career opportunities and degree paths available in the mining industry. The students enjoyed the presentation and had a fun day processing minerals from rocks.
MHS Holds CTE Advisory Meeting and Dinner - February 20th, 2025
February is CTE Month®. Career and technical education is basically a continuation of electives classes such as wood shop, autoshop, driver’s ed, welding, typing, shorthand, and home economics that Morenci High School once offered. CTE began at the Morenci School District in 2011 when Morenci became one of seven member school districts within the Gila Institute for Technology (GIFT). "GIFT is a Career and Technical Education District (CTED) that serves the communities of Greenlee and Graham counties in southeastern Arizona. The programs offered to students in career and technical education (CTE) prepare them for advanced degree training and success in the workforce." ( Students can enroll in business management, carpentry, culinary arts, and welding classes at MHS and will have the opportunity to become members of career and technical student organizations like FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), FCCLA (Family, Career, & Community Leaders of America), or SkillsUSA. Students can also choose to enroll in over 20 different CTE courses offered at the Eastern Arizona College (EAC) central campus, Eastern Arizona Academy of Cosmetology, or various business sites like FMI's Training Center in Clifton for the Industrial Electrician program. Interested students must take the EAC Accuplacer placement exam in math, reading, and writing during the spring of their sophomore year to enroll in central campus EAC courses. Once enrolled in a course, students must maintain GPA and attendance requirements for both EAC and MHS. They will also take industry certification exams like OSHA-10, ServSafe Food Protection Manager, or Rise-Up and must take the CTE Technical Skill Assessment (TSA) after their second year in a program. Students who pass the TSA and maintain a 3.0 GPA in their CTE program will be invited to become a member of the Morenci chapter of the National Technical Honor Society.
Check out MHS’ CTE website ( for more information on what's happening or visit Mrs. Sherry Carbajal, CTE Director and GIFT governing board member, Mr. Joe Garcia, MHS Guidance Counselor, or Ms. Brenda Street, CTE Clerk. If you are in the MHS building, you will see new CTE banners featuring current MHS students enrolled in the various CTE courses available to them. Other schools in the district will also have CTE banners displayed from previous years. On Thursday, February 20th, MHS hosted a CTE Advisory Meeting where school administrators and staff, teachers, students, parents, and business people from our community were treated to a delicious meal prepared and served by the MHS FCCLA/Paw Express group then met to review and evaluate our CTE programs and create goals for improvement. Great things are happening at MHS!
MHS FBLA Students Participate in Fire Leadership Conference at Phoenix Suns Event - October 17th, 2024
A learning adventure with the Phoenix Suns was experienced by a few members of the Morenci High School FBLA/Morenci Business Group, along with Business Management teacher, Desarae Daniels, and CTE Director, Sherry Carbajal. The Arizona Future Business Leaders of America hosted the FBLA at the Fire Leadership Conference on Thursday, October 17th, 2024. Participants listened to topics on leadership in workshops and also learned about the world of sports management by a panel of industry sports insiders who shared how they used their passion for sports and incorporated it into their jobs; these jobs have responsibilities that include such things as creating a great game watching experience for season ticket holders to capturing the whole event on camera for sports fans watching in the arena or at home. After the workshops, panel presentation, and basket shooting on the Suns gym floor, all participants were able to watch the Phoenix Suns play the L.A. Lakers. The exciting game went into overtime. Even though the Suns did not get the win, the Morenci team certainly did!